Wednesday, January 11, 2012

With Google

Oh Yes. I forgot to greet everybody a joyous HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Foe me personally, I'm going to kick 2012 with luck. There will be a  lot changes that would determine my life's journey to the point of career investment. There's no doubt that 2011 means a lot to me. And here, it should have given me one of the brightest futures where I have myself a new technical skill which makes me more vulnerable in terms of my work experiences.
Adding spice to the road bumps of my career manifestation, such skill with Online marketing and SEO makes me more of a shaped marketer of this modern generation. Also, the brief knowledge of having Media as part of my back end career is something to be grateful of. Having to be affiliated with the top TV networks and working with them, also I had backgrounds with a famous brand of casual wears makes me more of a well-rounded marketer as far. The changes and the absorbed knowledges is the most challenging part of having jumped from one work to another, making myself visible on all events that pertains my career is something to be proud of. I know, that the burden of my 2 year graduation aftermath has never failed me to do all the things that I wanted to do, and to achieve all of my goals and activities that would cement my legacy as the Philippines one of the top Marketing Specialists and that is one of the most challenging roles. I know it's tough, but everything is now within my reach.
What happened last 2009 since graduating is not in vain. It makes me more of a great person and the fact that I was going to make the great jump to make me a much more greater person and the passion to do what's right has never failed to adapt to my present condition. Now, another "career" is waiting for me this 2012.
Am I gonna WoW everybody and to be affiliated with Google is something to be proud of also?
Dan + Google? Hmm.
LET'S GET IT ON 2012! :D

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